MARS 2014-15


This year MARS focused on a region including: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Belfast and Dublin. Collectively and creatively studying this region with a wide engagement in the physical, social, economic, political, making/manufacturing and typologies, effectively re-Thinking the Region. This formed the underpinning of thesis projects and the projects undertaken by 5th Years. The final 5th Year Project was determined by discussion of this research and the typological gaps within the 6th Year Thesis Projects. This resulted in two typologies, Hybrid Health and Re-invigorating Industry and Making, all located in the major cities for the region. Many students chose Belfast as this city needs to be remade, repopulated and is redolent with opportunities to re-stitch this city’s fabric.

Anthony Grout_North Street Walled Garden-GP Practice and Sheltered Accommodation, Belfast_Limewash render brick study

Limewash render brick study by Anthony Grout


Anthony Grout_North Street Walled Garden-GP Practice and Sheltered Accommodation, Belfast_Section through GP Practice and sheltered accommodation of the North Street Walled Garden

Section through GP Practice and sheltered accommodation of the North Street Walled Garden  by Anthony Grout


Philip Noone_Re-Establishing the Making Town-A Hub of Innovation, Navan_Hub of Innovation at Elliott's Mill-studies of programmatic insertions

Hub of Innovation at Elliott’s Mill – model studies of programmatic insertions by Philip Noone


Jamie Brown_River House Children's Hospital-Humanising Hospitals_River House Children's Hospital-Castle Street, Belfast

River House Children’s Hospital – Castle Street, Belfast by Jamie Brown